Faculty Profile
Dr. Uma Rathore Bhatt Asst. Professor (AGP Rs. 8000/-) Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department Institute of Engineering & Techn ology, DAVV, Indore This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Contact-09425333837
1. Educational Qualifications : (Degree Name, Month-Year and Percentage):
I. Ph. D. 2014 E&TC,Under faculty of Engineering, DAVV Indore.
II. M. Tech (opto-Elex) 2002 80.12% , SGSITS, Indore
2. Date of Joining the University 01-10-2003
3. Total Teaching Experience 14 Years
4. Total Research Experience 8 Years
5. Academic Achievement “Certificate of appreciation for research”
from Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Indore on 26 th January 2017
6. Number of Publications International Journals-13(including Elsevier
International Conferences-20
7. Area of Interest (i) Wired and Wireless Access Networks-
Specifically Optical Networks, Fiber- Wireless (FiWi) Access Networks
(ii) Wireless Sensor Networks
(iii)Microcontrollers and Microprocessors
8. Reviewer for Journals /Conferences / Books
I. Journals-(i) IET Networks (ii) IETE Technical Review (iii) Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (iv) Journal of Optical Communications (v) International Journal of Communication Systems
II. Conferences-(i) International Conference- ICIP 2015 organized by department of Electronics Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune.
(ii)International Conference- CoCoNet-2015 organized by IIITM Trivandrum.
III. Books- (i) Reviewed of Chapters ‘Optical Fiber Communication' Cambridge University Press India Pvt. Ltd.(ii) Reviewed of chapter of book Probability Theory and Random Processes, Tata McGraw Hill.
9. Other Activities:
I. Member of Industry Institute Meet- “Samanjasya”2016 of IET- DAVV.
II. Member of Youth festival Committee 2016 and 2014 of DAVV.
III. Member of South Asia Fest Committee 2017 of DAVV.
IV. I have chaired two Sessions in International conference CoCoNet-2015 held at IIITM Kerala during 16-19 Dec. 2015.
V. I have Chaired Session in 1st International Conference on Information Security & Privacy held at G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering Nagpur 11-12 December, 2015.
VI. Coordinated Golden Jubilee Lecture Series at IET DAVV during 2015-16.
10. Other Activities Achievements:
I. During my Graduation I got National Scholarship.
II. I was given student brilliant certificate by MP board for Higher Secondary.
List of Publications
International Journals:
- Uma Rathore Bhatt , Tosif Ahmed, Sanjiv Tokekar (2017), "Hop Based Protection: A protection solution for heavily loaded WDM optical networks", Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optic , Elsevier, ISSN 0030-4026, Vol. 137, pp.298–307.
- Uma Rathore Bhatt , Abhilasha Chaure, Raksha Upadhyay (2016), Mean based Load Adaptation Algorithms (MLAA) for Energy Saving in FiWi Access Network, Trends in Opto-Electro and Optical Comm., Vol. 06, issue-3, pp.1-17, ISSN 2231-0401.
- Uma Rathore Bhatt, Nitinn Chouhan, Divya Kothari, Raksha Upadhyay (2016), Cost Efficient Low Convergence ONU Placement Algorithm for Deployment of Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Access Networks. Trends in Opto-Electro and Optical Comm., Vol. 06, issue-1, pp.1-17, ISSN 2231-0401.
- Raksha Upadhyaya, Uma Rathore Bhatt, Nitin Chouhana, Tapesh Sarsodia (2016), “Computation of Various QoS Parameters for FiWi Access Network”, Procedia Computer Science ,vol. 78 pp. 172-178, ISSN 1877-0509, Elsevier.
- Uma Rathore Bhatt, Nitin Chouhana, RakshaUpadhyay(2016), “Energy Efficient Segmentation for Green FiWi network”, Procedia Computer Science ,vol. 78 pp. 75-81, ISSN 1877-0509, Elsevier.
- Raksha Upadhyaya, Uma Rathore Bhatt, Harendra Tripathia (2016), “DDOS Attack Aware DSR Routing Protocol in WSN”,Procedia Computer Science , vol. 78, pp. 68-74, ISSN 1877-0509, Elsevier.
- Amrita Pahadia, Uma Rathore Bhatt (2015), “Layout Design, Analysis and Implementation of Combinational and Sequential Circuits using Microwind”, SSRG International Journal of VLSI &Signal Processing (SSRG-IJVSP ), vol. 2, issue -4, pp. 6-14, ISSN - 2394 -2584
- Uma Rathore Bhatt , Tapesh Sarsodia, Raksha Upadhyay(2015), “Multi-way Protection Scheme to Handle Multiple Failures for Cost-Efficient Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Access Networks”,Trends in Opto-Electro and Optical Comm., vol 5, issue 3, pp. 1-15, ISSN- 2231-0401(online).
- Uma Rathore Bhatt, Nitin Chouhan, Raksha Upadhyay(2015), “Cost Efficient Algorithm for ONU Placement in Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Access Networks”,Procedia Computer Science , vol. 46, pp. 1303-1310, ISSN 1877-0509, Elsevier.
- Uma Rathore Bhatt , Tapesh Sarsodia, Raksha Upadhyay(2015),"Performance Evaluation of Survivable Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Access Network ",Procedia Computer Science , vol. 46, pp. 1049-1055,ISSN 1877-0509, Elsevier.
- Uma Rathore Bhatt , Nitin Chouhan, Raksha Upadhyay(2015), “Hybrid algorithm: A cost efficient solution for ONU placement in Fiber Wireless (FiWi) network”, Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 22, pp. 76-83., 2015 (ISSN-1068-5200, Thomson Router Impact Factor – 1.30), Elsevier.
- Uma Rathore Bhatt, Sanjiv Tokekar (2013), “Path length based wavelength assignment strategy: An algorithm for efficient system performance in wavelength routed WDM networks”,Optik - Int. J. Light Electron Opt.(ISSN-0030-4026 Thomson Router Impact Factor - .769) vol. 24, pp. 483– 486, Elsevier.
- Uma Rathore Bhatt , Sanjiv Tokekar (2011), “Routing and wavelength assignment algorithms for multiclass WDM optical networks”,Optik - Int. J. Light Electron Opt.(ISSN-0030-4026, Thomson Router Impact Factor -.769) vol. 122, pp. 1466-1469, Elsevier.
International Conferences: All below mentioned papers are on IEEE xplore (except publication no. 1 9). Publication no. 1 9 is available in the proceding of Photonics 2010.
- Uma Rathore Bhatt , Nitin Chouhan, Raksha Upadhyay, Chanchal Agrawal, “ONU Placement in Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Access Networks using Teacher Phase of Teaching Learning Based Optimization (TLBO) Algorithm”, 3rd IEEE International Conference on "Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology" (IEEE-CICT 2017), during 9-10 February, 2017.
- Uma Rathore Bhatt , Aakash Chhabra, Nitin Chouhan and Raksha Upadhyay, “ Efficient Placement of ONUs via Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm in Fiber Wireless (FiWi) Access Networks”, Proceedings of 1st ICACIE 2016 will be published by Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series of Springer , during 21-23 December, 2016.
- Raksha Upadhyay Upadhyay, Shweta Pandey, Uma Rathore Bhatt, “Low Delay Routing Algorithm for Fi-Wi Access Network”, Proceedings of 1st ICACIE 2016 will be published by Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series of Springer , during 21-23 December, 2016.
- Vijendra Mishra, Raksha Upadhyay and Uma Rathore Bhatt , “A Review of Recent Energy Efficient Mechanisms for Fiber Wireless (FiWi) Access Network” , Proceedings of 1st ICACIE 2016 will be published by Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series of Springer , during 21-23 December, 2016.
- Uma Rathore Bhatt , Aakash Chabra, Nitin Chouhan, Raksha Upadhyay, “Fiber-Wireless (Fi-Wi) Architectural Technologies: A Survey” , International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) – 2016 held at, DMI College of Engineering, Chennai, during 03-05 March 2016.
- Uma Rathore Bhatt , Sada Hirve, Nitin Chouhan, Raksha Upadhyay, “Computation of Performance Parameters of ONU Placement Algorithms for FiWi Network”, CoConet-2015, IIITM Kerala, 16-19 Dec. 2015.
- Uma Rathore Bhatt , Tapesh Sarsodia, Aashu Kori, Raksha Upadhyay, “Reliability Analysis and Evaluation for Various Protection Schemes for FiWi Networks”, CoConet-2015, IIITM Kerala, 16-19 Dec. 2015.
- Raksha Upadhyay, Salman Khan, Harendra Tripathi, Uma Rathore Bhatt, “Detection and Prevention of DDOS Attack in WSN for AODV and DSR using Battery Drain”, CoConet-2015, IIITM Kerala, 16-19 Dec. 2015.
- Bhatt U R , Nema N, Upadhyay R, “Enhanced DSR: An Efficient Routing Protocol for MANET”, International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT -2014 ), KIET Gaziabad, 07-08 Feb. 2014.
- Bhatt U R , Sarsodia T, Upadhyay R, “ Survivability of a Integrated Fiber Wireless (Fi-Wi) Access Networks”, International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT -2014 ) , KIET Gaziabad, 07-08 Feb. 2014.
- Gupta A, Upadhyay R, Bhatt U R, “MIKBIT-Modified DSR for MANET”, International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT -2014 ), KIET Gaziabad, 07-08 Feb. 2014.
- Pathak S, Upadhyay R, Bhatt U R, “ An Efficient Query Packets Forward Algorithm in ZRP Protocol”, International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT -2014 ) , KIET Gaziabad, 07-08 Feb. 2014.
- Bhatt U R , Dangarh A, Kashyap A, Vyas A , “Performance analysis of AODV & DSR Routing protocols for MANET”, Fourth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies CSNT-2014, NITTTR Shamla Hills Bhopal, 07 - 09 April 2014.
- Bhatt U R , Jain P, Upadhyay R, “Enhanced AODV- An Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for MANET”, Nirma University International Conference on Engineering, Nuicone-2013, 28-30 November, 2013.
- Bhatt U R , Chouhan N, “ONU Placement in Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Networks”, Nirma University International Conference on Engineering, Nuicone-2013, 28-30 November, 2013.
- Pandey K, Bhatt U R, Upadhyay R,Investigation effect of phase noise of OFDM system and realisation LO (local Oscillator) with and without phase locked loop(PLL),Ninth International conference on Wireless and Optical Communication Systems: WOCN-2012, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/WOCN.2012.6335547 , 20-22 Sept. 2012, Indore, India.
- Bhatt U R , Tokekar S,"Analysis of wavelength conversion in wavelength routed WDM networks, ICCSP-2011:International conference on communication & signal processing , NIT Calicut, Kerala, India, February,2011.
- Bhatt U R , Tokekar S," Survivable routing and wavelength assignment strategy for multiclass WDM optical networks, International conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Systems: CICN-2011 , PP 711-715, 07-09 Oct. 2011, ISSN/ISBN-978-1-4577-2033-8, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/CICN.2011.155 ,Gwalior, India.
- Bhatt U R , Tokekar S,"Wavelength Conversion in Multiclass WDM Networs , PHOTONICS 2010: 10th International Conference on Fiber Optics & Photonics , IIT Guwahati, India, December 11-15, 2010.
- Bhatt U R , Tokekar S," Traffic engineering in multi domain optical networks, International Conference on Emerging Trend in Electronic and Photonic Devices & Systems: ELECTRO-2009 , 22-24 Dec. 2009, IT-BHU, Varanasi, India.
Books Published:
1 |
Assembly Language Programming with 8051 Microcontroller pp-1-73 |
Text Book |
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany (International publisher) , ISBN 978-3-659-86596-1 |
2 |
Optical Network Unit (ONU) Placement in Fiber Wireless Access Network |
Reference Book |
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany (International publisher-) , ISBN 978-3-659-87349-2 |
3 |
Survivability of an Integrated Fiber Wireless Network |
Reference Book |
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany (International publisher) , ISBN 978-3-659-87748-3 |